Every donation, no matter how big or small, makes a significant difference. Thank you for doing your part to help!
Visit our JustGiving page to directly donate to the Team or create a fundraiser in our name to share with your friends and family. To find out more click here
Legacies and Wills
Putting a gift in your Will to Penrith Mountain Rescue helps us plan for our future. It helps provide the training, skills and equipment our members need to keep themselves and the casualties safe – delivering help and medical assistance where it’s needed to those lost and injured in the hills. No matter the size of your gift, it will help!
Social Media
Donate directly to Penrith Mountain Rescue Teams Facebook page or set up a fundraiser in our name. 100% of your donations come to the Team. Social media is a great way to share and show your support with family and friends.
It all begins with an idea. Create a local or online fundraiser in your own unique way and let us know what you're planning! We'll help to get the word out. You can then donate your raised funds through our Social links/JustGiving or contact us and we can provide you with the Teams details.